Radio Spirits is the leading publisher and marketer of classic "old time" radio programs. Our mission is to preserve and popularize radio entertainment, from every era, keeping it alive and available to audiences today.
The Radio Spirits library includes tens of thousands of radio programs, predominantly from the 1930's to the 1960's, a "Golden Age of Radio" when radio was a dominant force in entertainment and news for listeners of all ages. It was the most popular of the popular arts, an integral part of the everyday lives of millions of Americans. The finest actors, performers, writers, producers, directors, and technical craftsmen delivered outstanding programming that fueled the imagination of listeners with drama, comedy, westerns, detective stories, science fiction and adventure.
Radio Spirits digitally remastered products are available on compact disc and as digital downloads directly to consumers through our web sites and catalogs, and through fine resellers. Radio Spirits programming can also be heard on broadcast and satellite radio. Our lineup includes many of the greatest performers, entertainers and characters in entertainment – including such iconic names as Jack Benny, The Shadow, Burns & Allen, Sam Spade, Jean Shepherd, Gang Busters, Red Skelton, Sherlock Holmes, Our Miss Brooks, The Mysterious Traveler, Abbott & Costello, The Green Hornet, Hopalong Cassidy, and countless others, many offered under exclusive license.
We very much welcome your comments and suggestions on any aspect of our products or service and invite you to email us through our contact email form, or write to us at Radio Spirits, PO Box 1315, Little Falls, NJ 07424.
Partner with Radio Spirits

Resellers: Radio Spirits products are available on a wholesale basis. For more information on establishing a wholesale account with us, please contact us for details.
Third Party Vendors: If you offer a product for sale that you believe would be valuable and well received by our customers, contact us with details.
Licensing: Radio Spirits controls sublicensing rights for many of our programs. If you wish to include classic radio programs, or clips from programs, within a project you are working on, whether it is for broadcast, as a DVD extra, or any other use, please contact us with details of your project.
Program Owners: Radio Spirits is always interested in obtaining source recordings of radio shows with the best possible sound quality, as well as rare recordings not in common circulation. If you have original transcription discs, or other low generation or rare recordings, please contact us with details.