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Keyword(s): "Philip Marlowe"
Top Search Results (1 thru 5)      Sort By:


1. Philip Marlowe: Lonely Canyons
Item #: 46912
Media: CD
Description: He's tall. He's tough. He's the king of the hardboiled private eyes, and he's stalking the...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

2. Philip Marlowe: Night Tide
Item #: 47432
Media: CD
Description: "He's looking for romance around the corner - and he knows there's no corner." - Gerald Mohr

Was: $39.98  Now: $33.98 you save 15%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


3. Philip Marlowe: Sucker's Road
Item #: 46422
Media: CD
Description: It's radio noir at its best! Raymond Chandler's hardboiled private detective digs into the dark...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

4. The Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Item #: 45922
Media: CD
Description: "Get this, and get it straight: Crime is a sucker's road, and those who travel it wind up in the...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

5. The Philip Rapp Joke File
Item #: 91401
Media: BOOK
Description: For the first time ever, be privy to the open caverns of mirth that is the prolific Philip Rapp joke...
Price: $14.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


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