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   For Category: "Comedy"
Top Search Results (61 thru 70 of 73)      Sort By:


61. The Couple Next Door
Item #: 46202
Media: CD
Description: People you know, with lives you recognize -- that's Peg Lynch and Alan Bunce as THE COUPLE NEXT...
Price: $24.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

62. Lum & Abner Volume 6
Item #: 46152
Media: CD
Description: The Jot 'Em Down store is jumping!

Lum is called upon to arrest the town's new dentist…and...
Price: $32.56
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


63. My Friend Irma: On Second Thought
Item #: 46042
Media: CD
Description: She's dizzy, she's daffy, she's just a bit laffy…but, she's still our gal!

Marie Wilson stars as...
Price: $31.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


64. The Life of Riley: Magnificent Mug
Item #: 45982
Media: CD
Description: Family life in wartime America could be fun…if you had a sense of humor! Here's William Bendix as...
Price: $31.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

65. Burns & Allen and Friends
Item #: 45962
Media: CD
Description: "Well, hello! Come right in! Oh, George! We've got company!"

Comedy's First Couple were busy...
Was: $31.95  Now: $28.76 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


66. Our Miss Brooks: Good English
Item #: 45882
Media: CD
Description: Eve Arden stars as Connie Brooks, the teacher with plenty of class, in sixteen hilarious and...
Was: $31.95  Now: $28.76 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

67. The Great Gildersleeve: Neighbors
Item #: 45812
Media: CD
Description: From Peavey's Pharmacy to the Jolly Boys Club, from Judge Hooker's courtroom to Floyd's Barber...
Was: $31.95  Now: $28.76 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

68. Lum & Abner Volume 5
Item #: 45752
Media: CD
Description: Lum and Abner meet Buster V. Davenport of Toledo, Ohio…but, he sure looks a lot like our old friend...
Was: $35.95  Now: $32.36 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

69. Jack Benny: Be Our Guest
Item #: 45552
Media: CD
Description: When you're the country's favorite radio comedian, you tend to have a lot of friends. And those...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

70. Fibber McGee & Molly: Wistful Vista
Item #: 45402
Media: CD
Description: Jim & Marian Jordan star as Fibber and Molly McGee, holding down the homefront in these war year...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.
Result Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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