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   For Category: "Mystery And Suspense"
Top Search Results (21 thru 26)      Sort By:


21. Suspense: Wages of Sin
Item #: 47142
Media: CD
Description: Getting away with murder? Don't bet on it! Sometimes even the careful get caught. Sometimes...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

22. Mysterious Traveler: Dark Destiny
Item #: 46872
Media: CD
Description: He takes the same train every week at this time, with tales to thrill you a little and chill you a...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

23. Crime Classics: The Hyland Files
Item #: 46522
Media: CD
Description: "You can afford to laugh at murder as a long as you're safely a century or so away from it... the...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

24. Suspense: Ties That Bind
Item #: 46292
Media: CD
Description: To what lengths will people go to protect their children? Spite their siblings? Murder the...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

25. The Whistler: Root of All Evil
Item #: 46232
Media: CD
Description: It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Yes, cold hard cash can be the...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

26. Suspense: Final Curtain
Item #: 45652
Media: CD
Description: Radio Spirits dares you to face fog-shrouded streets, escaped madmen, haunted houses, deadly...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

27. Mysterious Traveler: Out of the Past
Item #: 45592
Media: CD
Description: "…I take this same train every week at this time…"

The mournful whistle of a ghostly locomotive...
Price: $31.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


28. The Whistler: Skeletons in the Closet
Item #: 45572
Media: CD
Description: In the darkest reaches of the human psyche, there is no corner quite so dark as the fear of...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

29. Escape Classics
Item #: 45102
Media: CD
Description: Doses of concentrated thrills and pure, raw excitement are delivered directly on the heels of the...
Was: $39.98  Now: $33.98 you save 15%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.
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