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   For Category: "Under 40 Dollars"
Top Search Results (81 thru 90 of 111)      Sort By:


81. The New Edgar Bergen Hour With Charlie McCarthy
Item #: 46722
Media: CD
Description: Twenty years after they first convulsed the nation over the air, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy...
Was: $39.98  Now: $33.98 you save 15%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

82. The Green Hornet Strikes Again
Item #: 46632
Media: CD
Description: In 1948, America was buzzing with crime, corruption, and vice -- but The Green Hornet was buzzing...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

83. Dragnet: Night Watch
Item #: 46592
Media: CD
Description: Jack Webb was never an actual law enforcement officer, but listeners could be forgiven for thinking...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

84. Father Knows Best: Maple Street
Item #: 46582
Media: CD
Description: Father knows best -- or does he? Reliable family man Jim Anderson deals with the everyday problems...
Price: $31.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

85. Crime Classics: The Hyland Files
Item #: 46522
Media: CD
Description: "You can afford to laugh at murder as a long as you're safely a century or so away from it... the...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

86. Lum & Abner Volume 7
Item #: 46512
Media: CD
Description: And now, let's see what's going on down in Pine Ridge.

A winner is declared in the War Bond...
Was: $35.95  Now: $30.56 you save 15%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


87. Philip Marlowe: Sucker's Road
Item #: 46422
Media: CD
Description: It's radio noir at its best! Raymond Chandler's hardboiled private detective digs into the dark...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

88. Great Radio Horror
Item #: 46332
Media: CD
Description: The screams…the grisly sound effects…the rumbling organ music. Sounds in the dark come...
Was: $39.98  Now: $35.98 you save 10%
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.

89. Sherlock Holmes: Cue For Murder
Item #: 46302
Media: CD
Description: "Come at once if convenient…if inconvenient come all the same!"

Through tales of ancient curses...
Price: $31.95
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.


90. Suspense: Ties That Bind
Item #: 46292
Media: CD
Description: To what lengths will people go to protect their children? Spite their siblings? Murder the...
Price: $39.98
Please note, this product is TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK.
Result Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [ 11-12]


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